Daily Check-in: Tuesday, March 17th

Hey everyone and Happy St. Patrick's Day to you wherever you are! ..The greenery and flower of choice in the pic today might look a little clover-like and Shamrock-ish in the leaf department, but this is actually a Wood Sorrel. And while the leaves do get confused for clovers, these leaves remind me more of like folded paper hearts. So, many hearts for you guys today, especially if you are having a tough day and/or affected by the coronavirus to one degree or another. 💚

Alright, so what are we up to today? How are those workouts shaping up? Or maybe a well deserved rest is in order? Or a much needed sweat session to keep the body and mind running smoothly? So many questions..I'm pretty happily sore in my lower body. I did that descending reps video yesterday, and instead of trying to lift extra heavy, which I normally do, but did not feel like doing this go round, I backed off the weight a bit and focused on form and intention. And it felt awesome! Now I'm going to feel some upper body awesomeness because that's what's on the workout menu today.

But how about you guys? C'mon and share the sweat and how it is making you feel.

And then make us all green with envy by divulging what is cooking. What flavors are going around these parts of your Tuesday? Any St. Patty's Day related food? Or drinks, perhaps?^^ ..I kinda don't know what I'm doing for dinner. It's been busy so I kinda just go for the sandwich. It works. In a pinch.

Speaking of pinching, are you wearing some kind of green today? Nobody needs to get pinched! 🍀 ..Ah, but I do hope you guys are set up for a nice day or right now ready to finish your Tuesday strong. Thanks for reading and sharing the little nibbles of your day. Now go have one of those said nice days. Because we could all use a little nice right now. A little victory or mini milestone of the day. Because the little things are always worth celebrating.
