Welcome to DAY NINE of our challenge to stay accountable and consistent in exercising during March :)
Today I got a massage (yippee!) and did Friday's Recovery video... it felt great... Sometimes we just need to let go and loosen those reins! I think the times we think we have the least time to relax are precisely the times we do need to make that time!
So how do y'all like to relax?
Good job everyone, thanks for the nice comments during check-in, and HELLO to those that are still joining the challenge (newcomers ALWAYS welcome)!
FB Strong Day (9) - **March Challenge**
Hello March warriors~
Welcome to DAY NINE of our challenge to stay accountable and consistent in exercising during March :)
Today I got a massage (yippee!) and did Friday's Recovery video... it felt great... Sometimes we just need to let go and loosen those reins! I think the times we think we have the least time to relax are precisely the times we do need to make that time!
So how do y'all like to relax?
Good job everyone, thanks for the nice comments during check-in, and HELLO to those that are still joining the challenge (newcomers ALWAYS welcome)!
See you tomorrow!
(pic cred: https://weheartit.com/entry/85521757)