Daily Check-in: Furry Trainer Friday, March 6th

Well, here we are everyone. How are all the feels as we are face to face with another Friday. And a puppy.

You read and saw that right.

Meet furry trainer Cm. Aka, Curium. The latest addition to my furry elements. I'm really just as surprised as you are that he is here, because I wasn't looking for another pup. Didn't think I needed another one. Or any other pet at the moment. But this little guy catches my eye, and who can say no to that? Clearly I couldn't. Turns out they choose you, lol. Because when life gives you not one, but two puppies in the time span of a month, you make the puppy-ade.

Eh, I think that phrase works better with lemons. Besides, FT Cu now had someone he can grow up with. And Cobalt, my FT Co, will have not one, but two annoying brothers. And I promise, no more surprise puppies. At least I don't think so. ;)

But if we got the oooohs and awwwws out of the way (who am I kidding? Go ahead and have another look) let's get to the meat or tofu of the check-in and talk about all things workouts and all the eating that happens before and after it. I'm going for some newer workouts today: https://www.fitnessblender.com/videos/daniel-s-favorite-back-rehab-and-core-conditioning-workout


Some core work, some total body work. Some pizza for dinner. Sounds like a sound Friday for me in the world of workouts and food, but you know the deal; tell me all those sweet little sweats going on. Extra credit thosre fingers and type me all the foodventures and the rest. Once again, I've blended the workouts and food into one paragraph because I'm a blender. And blenders gotta blend. So it doesn't matter how; as long as you're moving, resting accordingly, and eating real, you got this, Blenders.

Wait. Not ready to say good bye. I need to mention a programming note for the check-ins. I got you all excited too soon for Lynna with those exclamations. She can't do this weekend, so instead you shall have another perfectly wonderful ghost; Kristina!!! You can be just as excited for her brand of check-in as she is officially your official ghost for the March 7th and 8th check-ins. Sound good? You bet it does.

Now I guess is the time to bid farewell. I wish you all to have a wonderful weekend and a solid Friday. Or a fluid Friday, because we need to stay hydrated. And have things flow smoothly for you. So let's navigate the rivers of Friday and make it a good one!