Daily Check-in: Thursday, March 5th

All the greetings this evening/morning/afternoon/snack times/whatever the clock says to you all! Are you smelling our Friday Eve somewhere in the air? Getting whiffs of the ever approaching weekend? Speaking of which, now is the time to announce this weekend's guest host: Lynna!!! The extra exclamations there emphasize how excited you all should be. As long as you are still good for it, Lynna, the ship will be yours! And that goes for everyone who would like to ghost (guest host) the check-ins on the weekend, because hearing from you, host or not really, is always great! I love how these check-ins provide a common area for us to sort of hang out and read each other on the daily.

So with that said let's do this daily thing, starting with how the workouts are going for you? Sore from previous days? Energized and feeling pumped up for today? Or maybe you want that rest day? That's what I'm ordering today. I completed the unofficial mini 3 day plus challenge yesterday and it was really nice. All days went very well together. Almost felt like the 5 day challenges, probably like Strong and Lean except not quite as intense. Overall, very good and (I'm just going to say it) fun!

Now I'm not going to make you go through the food paragraph and get all hungry before I talk about our daily picture here. For today we've got Blue-eyed Grass. When not flowering the plant looks like, well, grass, but come bloom time, it's all showy and no tell. Because, flowers don't speak in the literal sense, but I sure do! This is a neat find because this flower is in the Iris family and I've been wanting to capture anything Iris related for a while now. The name says it's blue, but they can been a deep violet to almost white lavender. (btw, EtotheK, if you are reading this, I remember when you asked if I could find an Iris. Well, this is not exact, but I'm a little closer today!)

Alright, now we can set the table or just hang around in the kitchen and start getting our foodie thoughts churning. What is going to be in your bowls and plates? I'm still a little on the clueless side so maybe some leftovers and some kind of veggie thrown in there. ..Hah, I hope your dinner sounds more impressive or put together than mine. Of course however it sounds or appears, as long as the nutrition and deliciousness show up for dinner, it's all good, good, good!

Okay, how about we dive into this Thursday and make a splash. Make some waves. Let the day know you are here. Take a deep breath. Keep those lungs open. Remember to breathe. Except if you're underwater. Then that would be terrible advice.