Continuing on with DAY 3 of our challenge to stay accountable and consistent in exercising during March :)
First things first, Thank You for the encouraging little messages! Also, I can't believe we're half way through our first week (Day 3 of 6 for week 1!)
Today was a lower-energy day for me, so I had to take it easier on the weights. But that's ok, because it's about *consistency,* and in order to remain consistent we have to be patient with our minds and bodies. Some days we will be able to give 100%, and some days maybe just 10%...
But even a thousand mile journey starts off with a single step :)
Kuddos to all of us for taking those baby steps.. Have a wonderful evening y'all!
FB Strong Day 3 - **March Challenge**
Hello March warriors!
Continuing on with DAY 3 of our challenge to stay accountable and consistent in exercising during March :)
First things first, Thank You for the encouraging little messages! Also, I can't believe we're half way through our first week (Day 3 of 6 for week 1!)
Today was a lower-energy day for me, so I had to take it easier on the weights. But that's ok, because it's about *consistency,* and in order to remain consistent we have to be patient with our minds and bodies. Some days we will be able to give 100%, and some days maybe just 10%...
But even a thousand mile journey starts off with a single step :)
Kuddos to all of us for taking those baby steps.. Have a wonderful evening y'all!
(pic from