This is what it is all about for me.... health checkup ✅!!!!
This evening I had a health checkup, a cardiovascular health checkup to be more precise. I was obviously not expecting any majorly negative results, but I was a bit apprehensive to say the least! My son regularly calls me a “stresskip” (literally “stresschicken”, or “worry-guts” in English)! After my 1000 cal workout this afternoon (goodness know what I was trying to prove), I sat in the waiting room, feeling a bit hot and worrying (!!!) that this would give me bad scores.....
Well, at a risk factor of 5.71% I can definitely state that I am in the low risk category!!! The result indicates your % risk of having cardiovascular disease in the next ten years. Below 10% is low, 10-20 % is medium and 20% is high risk (according to NHS standards).
The number on the scale, or what my body looks like, bit of a belly, flabby arms.... no, THIS is what it’s all about for me: to be given this good a score is something I work hard for and am really PROUD of! What more can a person want?! And the departing comment of the nurse: “gosh, you are very active”, was met by my “yep” and a huge smile on my face!!!!!
Mind you, I must admit that looking good will be a nice bonus when my son gets married in September 😜😜.
This is what it is all about for me.... health checkup ✅!!!!
This evening I had a health checkup, a cardiovascular health checkup to be more precise. I was obviously not expecting any majorly negative results, but I was a bit apprehensive to say the least! My son regularly calls me a “stresskip” (literally “stresschicken”, or “worry-guts” in English)! After my 1000 cal workout this afternoon (goodness know what I was trying to prove), I sat in the waiting room, feeling a bit hot and worrying (!!!) that this would give me bad scores.....
Well, at a risk factor of 5.71% I can definitely state that I am in the low risk category!!! The result indicates your % risk of having cardiovascular disease in the next ten years. Below 10% is low, 10-20 % is medium and 20% is high risk (according to NHS standards).
The number on the scale, or what my body looks like, bit of a belly, flabby arms.... no, THIS is what it’s all about for me: to be given this good a score is something I work hard for and am really PROUD of! What more can a person want?! And the departing comment of the nurse: “gosh, you are very active”, was met by my “yep” and a huge smile on my face!!!!!
Mind you, I must admit that looking good will be a nice bonus when my son gets married in September 😜😜.