Paid in Blood


So, I got the majority of my blood test results as well.

For about 5 years now (the time I've spent on my ex-job) not only did I gain weight, but I also lost my healthy skin-glow and my hair became fragile. To keep it short, my overall and mental health was deteriorating, and fast too. πŸ™„

I often had high glucose in blood and also high blood pressure. My thyroid showed confusing signs, on ultrasound it was hypo, my blood said hyper (extra high parameters) – in the end doctors wanted to treat me for hyperthyroidism which I refused due to not having any of the common symptoms.

But I had plenty of symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome. And although I used to be a regular blood donor, I needed to stop due to anemia. Of course, at the time I started to use all sorts of supplements to improve my blood results. I was just lying to myself. I was just too scared of using the medications for all of the half-diagnosis I got, but too lazy to do something about it myself. πŸ™„ Last years illness was turn around point.

Yesterday NSV is the biggest one yet for me! 😁 But I'm happy to say, my blood shows I'm overall healthy. For a while now I don't have any signs of anemia and I'm blood donor again. πŸ‘Œ Blood pressure is like it should be, and so is my blood sugar. My thyroid results came up clean -with no meds whatsoever.

The only thing left is my bowel problems (gas-pass and similarπŸ˜…), but it's better/easier in the last few months. It would definitely be way better if I'd clean my diet, but hey – this is me! πŸ˜…πŸ˜‰

I don't want to promote not listening to physicians, just please wisely filter their words and interpretations – and above all, listen to your body – it's the only one you have and you know it the best! Be stubborn about your goals, but flexible about your methods... 😊

P.S. Guilt and stress can do more damage to your body than chocolate cake ever will. At least in my case.πŸ˜‰