I Know What I Did Last Summer (+NSV)

Well, my Chest X-Ray came in today. I was afraid of reading it. Why? Background story...

I started working out regularly with FB in June, after ILLNESS... At about this time last year, I began feeling ill, I was tired and feverish way too often, but was cleared from my doctors. I have a strong body and it can endure a lot, but limits do exist -at some point your body GIVES UP the fight. 🙄

A month later it became worse, I was out of breath often, very pale, often with high fever - still HEALTHY - doctors said. And it went on for another month when chest pain started and consistent coughing has gone even worse – I had pneumonia for almost TWO MONTHS !! 😳 So, now my lungs were in danger of COLLAPSE!!😨 I was in bed for the next 6 weeks with medicines that would kill an elephant, vomiting. But my body fought, and I refused to lay in ICU. (Who would know that you can die from pneumonia in a modern world?)

After I got a bit better, I went back to work – they were horrible to me, they were punishing me for being absent for a longer time. My lungs were literally full of SCARS, yet they made me work extra shifts in pulmonology unit – I got sick in less than a week again (!!), and yet again gone through it all. That was just another reason for quitting...

Doctors said there's no way for those scars to go away now,😥 but it was hard to accept that because I had trouble just breathing, so despite doctors prohibited exercise – I listened to my body, I came back to fitness, I CAME BACK to FB – and after a couple of weeks, my breathing problems were almost gone, and so was my cough. But there were still plenty of scars left...

Back then when I was diagnosed, I was pretty bitter and angry. And when doctors said those SCARS WON'T GO AWAY and can make some trouble breathing for the rest of my life, I was shocked and in disbelief. 😳 How can this happen in the modern medicine world? This was unexpected and whacked me good. What did I do? I wallowed, like every normal person, in those crappy emotions for far too long and probably PROLONGED my illness that way... 🙄 When my husband finally got me out of the self-pity storm, he told me this needs to be the last time I'm allowing myself to be put down this low because of some piece of paper. (Since I am a nurse, I should be aware of how much mindset is important for mental and overall health, and also how many times doctors were wrong.)

So, I realized something and I know this to be true. If I hadn’t been this ill, I may not have had the guts to CHOOSE adventure over stability... Prior to my pneumonia, I shiver to think of the path my health was on. I was silently harming my body through diet, stress, and lifestyle. And the culmination of several more years of that path would have been even more detrimental. 😳

Today my Chest X-Ray came clean – my tissue is completely SCAR-FREE! 🙂 And that left my doctors confused because they rarely see that. But they won't accept that I achieved this thanks to exercising in the biggest part. But I don't care - I just want to ENJOY my big NSV!🙂

Now I just choose to be thankful for the warning signs and ability to revamp my health and wellness. And to feel the best I’ve felt in years. 😁
