Daily Check-in: Tuesday, February 25th

Welcome to your average just another day, doing it your way kinda check-in. Tuesdays are pretty much like that. We're past the Mondaze and getting into the swing of things.

So what's your swing today? Regarding workouts, will there be a kettlebell involved? Weight is always a pretty fun to thing to swing around. Using a little momentum (safely) in those workouts is a nice change and stress reliever. Granted you don't hit yourself or other things. That's the safety part. But I'm not here to sell you on those, albeit fun, kettle bell workouts; rather just wondering what you are doing today in terms of sweating or chilling if need be. You know, the do what works for you drill. Today is a relatively short upper body scheduled. Which is good because the glutes are pretty sore from that combo yesterday.

And what is the food factor, everyone? Eating good and feeling energized from it all? Give us the real foods of today and help out our imagination as we look forward to our own delicious foods today. I'm not 100% sure, but I think it will be salad and sandwiches. Not totally sold on that yet. So we shall play it by ear and eat to the tune of the craving stomach.

By the way, another flower for you today; a Southern Dewberry. It's pretty similar to blackberries in terms of the fruit it will make. The plant is low growing and bristly, and popular with the bees and wildlife. And apparently my FT. I took this picture and not just a few seconds later, Furry Trainer Cu (Abbreviation for Copper) ate the flower. Apparently he couldn't wait for the fruit. He's eaten a few flowers before I could photograph them. Yes, he's lucky he's so cute.

Okay, enough about all of that and my ramblings. Time to get the stuff and things of Tuesday out of the way just in time for the next day. But until then, share the bits and pieces of your day/plans here, and lets swing life away together.