Turned 23 on 23/ Thanks K & D!


I turned 23 today. Stayed home with grandpa, had nice lunch - pastries, maybe some KFC :P I'm all up to take charge of this year of my life - academics (will be appearing for government service exam and finishing Masters in economics), physical and mental wellbeing. The past year has been a roller coaster ride, as many of you may know but if there's an entity that's stuck with me apart from my family - it's this wonderful institution of Fitness Blender. I've come to love working out - from purchasing multiple FB programs to eagerly looking forward to K&D's write ups and videos. The physical distance might be daunting but our hearts are intertwined in this relationship of frienship. Grateful to have found our epitomes of fitness - Kelli 'didi' and Daniel 'bhaiya' as I fondly call them (elder sister and elder brother hunh😊🙈)