"That moment when you feel like giving up, when it doesn't seem worth it, that is where change happens. KEEP GOING."
Started FB30-round2 today, and since I'm still not up for HIIT, I substituted another gentler lower body workout instead.
All weekend long I was looking forward to working out on Monday (which is easy to do when I don't have to go down to my basement gym right then and there).
Yet this morning, not so eager.....til I told myself to "just show up!"
I did, and it's done. And yes, I feel amazing!
I've never ever had to really push myself to work out; this is new for me. And I have to say, I don't like it one bit. It'll get better I know, but in the meantime it's a struggle.
Now I get to go out and shovel some snow....that I like!!
Motivational Monday Quote
"That moment when you feel like giving up, when it doesn't seem worth it, that is where change happens. KEEP GOING."
Started FB30-round2 today, and since I'm still not up for HIIT, I substituted another gentler lower body workout instead.
All weekend long I was looking forward to working out on Monday (which is easy to do when I don't have to go down to my basement gym right then and there).
Yet this morning, not so eager.....til I told myself to "just show up!"
I did, and it's done. And yes, I feel amazing!
I've never ever had to really push myself to work out; this is new for me. And I have to say, I don't like it one bit. It'll get better I know, but in the meantime it's a struggle.
Now I get to go out and shovel some snow....that I like!!
#yeehawquiveringlowerbodymuscleswokoutcomplete :D