yesterday evening I watched a very interesting film (53 minutes) about the role of the fascia, i.e. all the tissue that is around our muscles and organs. In the last 10 years, scientists all over the world have found a lot about them and their importance for feeling well or having pain. It was especially pointed out that regular movement and especially stretching are very important to keep the fascia working well!
Unfortunately for most of the fitness blender community, this film was in German, but those who understand it can watch it (it is up until March 1 on, look it up under "Faszien"). In the US, Thomas Myers was stated is one pioneer, so maybe you could look him up.
Interesting film on the role of fascia
yesterday evening I watched a very interesting film (53 minutes) about the role of the fascia, i.e. all the tissue that is around our muscles and organs. In the last 10 years, scientists all over the world have found a lot about them and their importance for feeling well or having pain. It was especially pointed out that regular movement and especially stretching are very important to keep the fascia working well!
Unfortunately for most of the fitness blender community, this film was in German, but those who understand it can watch it (it is up until March 1 on, look it up under "Faszien"). In the US, Thomas Myers was stated is one pioneer, so maybe you could look him up.
Have a nice Sunday with lots of nice stretching!