Hi everybody!!! So, today I started a combined 8 week program! Alternating 1 week of blend and 1 week of bodyweight!
I've read many blenders here talking about that but it's the first time I try to pair up 2 programs!
After reading a lot of your opinions here abour the programs, I choose to do a combo of Blend and Bodyweight! my main goal is loose weight ( about 15lbs), loose fat, and improve conditioning overall, so this was the perfect combo for me, I guess..
The one thing I changed was: In the weeks of Blend, Instead of doing some bodyweight toning as the extracredit, I pick some short video for the same area, but with weights. If the extra credit is HIIT or cardio, tho, I do it !!!
Since In the Bodyweight week I'll be doing toning but not strenght trainning, I think it's best to put a little more strenght trainning in the blend week and left the bodyweight ones for later.
I'll be back with my results a (I hope positive ones).
And about you guys, have you ever combine 2 programs? What's your favorite combo?
FBblend + FBbodyweight! In love already - day 1
Hi everybody!!! So, today I started a combined 8 week program! Alternating 1 week of blend and 1 week of bodyweight!
I've read many blenders here talking about that but it's the first time I try to pair up 2 programs!
After reading a lot of your opinions here abour the programs, I choose to do a combo of Blend and Bodyweight! my main goal is loose weight ( about 15lbs), loose fat, and improve conditioning overall, so this was the perfect combo for me, I guess..
The one thing I changed was: In the weeks of Blend, Instead of doing some bodyweight toning as the extracredit, I pick some short video for the same area, but with weights. If the extra credit is HIIT or cardio, tho, I do it !!!
Since In the Bodyweight week I'll be doing toning but not strenght trainning, I think it's best to put a little more strenght trainning in the blend week and left the bodyweight ones for later.
I'll be back with my results a (I hope positive ones).
And about you guys, have you ever combine 2 programs? What's your favorite combo?