Back at it after spending my weekend resting from what felt like a cold making its way in! I am one day behind my previous schedule, but I am so proud of myself for starting back up now that I feel better! Wouldn’t have happened a month ago. Today’s workout flew by and was...easy?!? I am sweating and lifted heavy, but it seemed to go by quickly and honestly, I think I could have gone a bit heavier!! YAY FOR BEING STRONG!
I am so happy to see these small changes in my mood, strength, and overall disposition at the beginning of week 3!
FB Strong Day 15 #workoutcomplete
Back at it after spending my weekend resting from what felt like a cold making its way in! I am one day behind my previous schedule, but I am so proud of myself for starting back up now that I feel better! Wouldn’t have happened a month ago. Today’s workout flew by and was...easy?!? I am sweating and lifted heavy, but it seemed to go by quickly and honestly, I think I could have gone a bit heavier!! YAY FOR BEING STRONG!
I am so happy to see these small changes in my mood, strength, and overall disposition at the beginning of week 3!