With nearly 600 free individual workouts available, the thought of purchasing a full 4- or 8-week Workout Program may be difficult to justify. However, if you’re looking for more continuity and structure, and maybe have specific fitness goals you’re trying to achieve, one of Fitness Blender’s programs may be just what you need.
Fitness Blender’s full Workout Programs are built using strategic combinations of our existing, free individual workouts and are carefully curated, highly functional, and built to be safe and effective. Never underestimate the efficacy of working out intelligently; remember the old saying, “work smarter, not harder” is absolutely relevant to workouts.
So, with this in mind, and with development of Fitness Blender’s next full Workout Program well underway, here’s a look back at the two programs we released in 2109: FB 30, Round 4 and FB Blend.
FB 30, Round 4 builds on our all-time most popular program structure and provides smart, effective, and fun workouts that ask for ~30 minutes of your day. The strategic combination of HIIT and strength training in this total body program is excellent for burning fat, building lean muscle, and becoming overall more physically healthy and capable. The workouts include tried and true, scientifically-backed training methods that will challenge your muscular strength, cardiovascular endurance, coordination, speed, proprioception, balance, and flexibility.
FB Blend is a fun, challenging, and flexible workout plan; you get to choose the length of your workouts each day, roughly 35 or 55 minutes a day, depending on your own schedule and energy levels. Each day of this program offers a unique workout - you'll never have to do the same video twice. It's a smart combination of HIIT, strength training, functional movement, Pilates, supersets, cardio, plyometrics, stretching, yoga, and more. All you need is dumbbells and even if you don't have dumbbells, you can still get in a great workout using your own bodyweight.
Let us know if you have any questions...and we’d love to hear what you thought if you completed one (or both!) of these programs.
What program would you like to see in 2020, Fitness Blender family?
Work Smarter, Not Harder
With nearly 600 free individual workouts available, the thought of purchasing a full 4- or 8-week Workout Program may be difficult to justify. However, if you’re looking for more continuity and structure, and maybe have specific fitness goals you’re trying to achieve, one of Fitness Blender’s programs may be just what you need.
Fitness Blender’s full Workout Programs are built using strategic combinations of our existing, free individual workouts and are carefully curated, highly functional, and built to be safe and effective. Never underestimate the efficacy of working out intelligently; remember the old saying, “work smarter, not harder” is absolutely relevant to workouts.
So, with this in mind, and with development of Fitness Blender’s next full Workout Program well underway, here’s a look back at the two programs we released in 2109: FB 30, Round 4 and FB Blend.
FB 30, Round 4 builds on our all-time most popular program structure and provides smart, effective, and fun workouts that ask for ~30 minutes of your day. The strategic combination of HIIT and strength training in this total body program is excellent for burning fat, building lean muscle, and becoming overall more physically healthy and capable. The workouts include tried and true, scientifically-backed training methods that will challenge your muscular strength, cardiovascular endurance, coordination, speed, proprioception, balance, and flexibility.
FB Blend is a fun, challenging, and flexible workout plan; you get to choose the length of your workouts each day, roughly 35 or 55 minutes a day, depending on your own schedule and energy levels. Each day of this program offers a unique workout - you'll never have to do the same video twice. It's a smart combination of HIIT, strength training, functional movement, Pilates, supersets, cardio, plyometrics, stretching, yoga, and more. All you need is dumbbells and even if you don't have dumbbells, you can still get in a great workout using your own bodyweight.
Let us know if you have any questions...and we’d love to hear what you thought if you completed one (or both!) of these programs.
What program would you like to see in 2020, Fitness Blender family?