Posted in: Workouts / Goal Setting

Pilates for Swimming?

So, I've come across a lot of pilates workouts from FitnessBlender and as I've done these workouts, I have felt them to be very peaceful and calming. One of my New Year's resolutions was to become a better swimmer through practice in the pool and outside of it. And because I usually don't have that much time to workout each day, I always find myself thinking: How could I improve my swimming by training on land through working out? And how could I workout in the most efficient way possible for this?

I was also wondering if Pilates would have any sort of an impact on my swimming? Please leave any suggestions or even any of your personal experiences reguarding this topic. Because from here on out, I want to be able to train smart rather than be all over the place like I was last year.

Thank you so much!
