I earned a great #workoutcomplete today, despite everything!
I woke up to period cramps and only wanted to take an aspirin and go back to bed. However, I got up, had some fruit and tackled a whole hour of mixed HIIT and lower body strength, plus those 10 minutes of extra credit. Well, I paused a few times to catch my breath or drink, but I made it! In addition, between the work-out and the hot shower, the pain had gone away and I started my day feeling well and accomplished :)
I have a new resolution: every day I'm going to think about one thing that improved in me after FB. Today I thought about jump-squats and burpees: last January, I couldn't do either - my ankle (that I sprained a couple of years ago) would have gotten terribly achy and swollen. Yet, here I am now, only moderately sore!
#workoutcomplete and thinking positive
I earned a great #workoutcomplete today, despite everything!
I woke up to period cramps and only wanted to take an aspirin and go back to bed. However, I got up, had some fruit and tackled a whole hour of mixed HIIT and lower body strength, plus those 10 minutes of extra credit. Well, I paused a few times to catch my breath or drink, but I made it! In addition, between the work-out and the hot shower, the pain had gone away and I started my day feeling well and accomplished :)
I have a new resolution: every day I'm going to think about one thing that improved in me after FB. Today I thought about jump-squats and burpees: last January, I couldn't do either - my ankle (that I sprained a couple of years ago) would have gotten terribly achy and swollen. Yet, here I am now, only moderately sore!
Thank you, FB :)