Before we left for our nature conservation work day this morning I read Florian P’s post about endurance. In my reaction to him I wrote that there was no way I could even contemplate doing a 1000 cal workout at the moment or any time soon. Then as I was working on this very very steep slope, throwing down sawn off gorse branches and dragging them down and onto a pile, I thought: “Ok, I might not be able to do a 1000cal workout at the moment, but look at me doing this!” The words endurance fit and healthy came in my head then. I guess we can and will all have our own measure of endurance and fitness and health!!! I certainly like that idea! Fitness comes in all shapes and sizes and measures.
Photo: we were working on this steep slope by a castle ruin.... photo bottom right (not actually me, but that was what I was doing for three hours in the morning: climbing halfway up the slope to piles of cut gorse, then throwing it down, as gorse refuses to roll down, then dragging it further down and onto a pile of the stuff near a fence further along. We all agreed this was by far the hardest task we had done this year!!!!
Measure of endurance?!?!
Before we left for our nature conservation work day this morning I read Florian P’s post about endurance. In my reaction to him I wrote that there was no way I could even contemplate doing a 1000 cal workout at the moment or any time soon. Then as I was working on this very very steep slope, throwing down sawn off gorse branches and dragging them down and onto a pile, I thought: “Ok, I might not be able to do a 1000cal workout at the moment, but look at me doing this!” The words endurance fit and healthy came in my head then. I guess we can and will all have our own measure of endurance and fitness and health!!! I certainly like that idea! Fitness comes in all shapes and sizes and measures.
Photo: we were working on this steep slope by a castle ruin.... photo bottom right (not actually me, but that was what I was doing for three hours in the morning: climbing halfway up the slope to piles of cut gorse, then throwing it down, as gorse refuses to roll down, then dragging it further down and onto a pile of the stuff near a fence further along. We all agreed this was by far the hardest task we had done this year!!!!