I don't even know if I'm allowed to talk about random stuff on this subtopic, and if not, I'm sorry.
I'm dealing with high level of loneliness these days (I don't really have friend to hangout with and I just broke up with a manipulative boyfriend) , and even with doing workout, being healthy, eating healthy, doing yoga, my mindset still the same: I'm feeling awful and can't stop being guilty at myself for being alone, like if it was my fault, somehow.
I just wondering if some of you dealed with that kind of feelings; and if so, how do you change yourself to be more positive ?
Being lonely
Hi everyone,
I don't even know if I'm allowed to talk about random stuff on this subtopic, and if not, I'm sorry.
I'm dealing with high level of loneliness these days (I don't really have friend to hangout with and I just broke up with a manipulative boyfriend) , and even with doing workout, being healthy, eating healthy, doing yoga, my mindset still the same: I'm feeling awful and can't stop being guilty at myself for being alone, like if it was my fault, somehow.
I just wondering if some of you dealed with that kind of feelings; and if so, how do you change yourself to be more positive ?
Thank you all for your answers.