Guys appreciate your bodies however you look like now. I'm used to judge myself so harshly every time I look at myself in the mirror. I remember the first post for me here in the community section. I am so cruel to myself and I've never seen myself beautiful enough. But I learnt lately that I should be thankful for whatever I have. Two posts before this post "Chartgi64" wrote me a very important sentence, which we have to remember each time we judge our bodies or activity level: "Someday I won't be able to do this. Today is not that day"
So I appreciate you my body and thank you for everything you've done for me so far! Let's appreciate every step we take towards our goal. Let's appreciate every shape our body has throughout this journey. Let's be patience, and that's what I have to work on as well. Being patience is something that is not so easy and can't be accomplished in one or two weeks or even years. This is a long term process but we can achieve it for ourselves, and ourselves only not for everyone else!
Guys appreciate your bodies however you look like now. I'm used to judge myself so harshly every time I look at myself in the mirror. I remember the first post for me here in the community section. I am so cruel to myself and I've never seen myself beautiful enough. But I learnt lately that I should be thankful for whatever I have. Two posts before this post "Chartgi64" wrote me a very important sentence, which we have to remember each time we judge our bodies or activity level: "Someday I won't be able to do this. Today is not that day"
So I appreciate you my body and thank you for everything you've done for me so far! Let's appreciate every step we take towards our goal. Let's appreciate every shape our body has throughout this journey. Let's be patience, and that's what I have to work on as well. Being patience is something that is not so easy and can't be accomplished in one or two weeks or even years. This is a long term process but we can achieve it for ourselves, and ourselves only not for everyone else!
Have a nice day you all!