I completed my workout for today. This morning I was helping my mom around the house and then after that I did the piano and the alpaca pen. I also finished coloring a picture and then after that I talked to my boyfriend Ben this morning. This afternoon I went down and played for a while then I came up did my workout which was very hard to do. Because when I was all done with doing it my legs were shaking so bad that it felt like my legs were going to give out on me in the middle of the workout. I love it that I can now talk to my boyfriend Ben when there is no school or we just have the day off from school.
FB Sweat- Day 10 HIIT+ Strength
I completed my workout for today. This morning I was helping my mom around the house and then after that I did the piano and the alpaca pen. I also finished coloring a picture and then after that I talked to my boyfriend Ben this morning. This afternoon I went down and played for a while then I came up did my workout which was very hard to do. Because when I was all done with doing it my legs were shaking so bad that it felt like my legs were going to give out on me in the middle of the workout. I love it that I can now talk to my boyfriend Ben when there is no school or we just have the day off from school.