Training and training

I'm on day 1 and 2 of a 3 day training for work. I spend the night at a "B&B" (no breakfast) because I did not feel like driving back and forth through traffic jams 2 days in a row. We sat a lot yesterday, but the weather was crap so I didn't go for a walk. When I came back from dinner (solo, at a beachclub, I had cheesecake for dessert) I felt I needed to do a light workout, so I did this one:

This morning we start at 10, so I just did day 13 of FB Strong:

Going to take a shower and then walk to the bakery for some breakfast.

It's funny to realise how I now actually want to exercise. I want to be active. I feel good and I feel like I am taking care of my body (and mind). Hope you all have a great day!! I'll be doing silly vocal exercises (silly but helpfull, like most speech therapy exercises. But it's just like D says about cat/camel in the core video: they help, get over yourself)