It's already Thursday--which means, we're basically to the weekend, right? Well, ok, close enough to start celebrating!
I'm ready for this week to be over, caz that means it's vaca time for me and hubs! (In case you missed it, I'll be gone for 2 weeks, and you'll get to spend that time with the wonderful Ms. Raven! You lucky ducks, you!)
What about you Blenders? Any fun plans you're already formulating for your weekend?
I also have another random butterfly photo for you today! This is a Milbert's Tortoiseshell. I love this guy so much--look at the eyes on his wings! Look at the dark iridescent black/purple/blue contrast of his wings to the brilliant orange--I mean, he's got all the wow factors! Just incredible!
And since I'm rambling away today anyway, I've got a fun story to share of a happenstance that occurred to me yesterday.
So, we live in a very rural area. That generally means an unparalleled level of privacy--no unexpected visitors/solicitors, you can run around in your underwear and no one can see you--heck, you don't even need curtains on the windows, caz there's just nobody around. I enjoy this aspect very much. So when I get extra time to do things like, say, wear old sweat pants and a t-shirt covered in holes and stains that's 3 sizes too big, put my hair into an obscene knot on the top of my head with a head band to plaster every thing down properly, and apply a face mask that makes me look like a chalky alien--I should have nothin to worry about right? Nobody can see, right?
If that were only so. I was in the bathroom yesterday, happily applying the chalky alien effect, when I hear the Furry Trainers barking at something in the living room. Don't think much about it, caz they bark at random stuff all the time, and just start talkin to them. "What are you guys barking at now?" I continue to get the alien face applied, and then proceed to go to the living room--only to see a car parked out front, with a woman standing next to it.
What. The. Heck.
And caz there's a big window next to the front door, I can't do the "pretend I'm not home" thing, caz she saw me.
I stutter through the open window, with my chalky alien face " a. good.time...??"
And she starts laughing. Like a lot.
Then I see a guy, using some kind of instrument around my house--and I'm like what the ever loving heck is goin on here?
So, I have to go out and confront these individuals, with old sweatpants on, a t-shirt covered in holes and stains that's 3 sizes too big, an obscene hair knot on the top of my head, and a face that looks as if I'm auditioning for the "Scream" movies.
So the man sees me too, and starts laughing about as hard as the woman is. I guess this is just sooooo funny to them. Yeah, caz mid-day, middle of no-where, not expecting anybody to show up, you'd think you'd have 15 freakin minutes of privacy to apply a dang face mask in peace. BUT NO YOU DON'T.
Turns out, it was the County Assessors re-doing property values/taxes (this is not a surprising thing at all, just had no idea when they'd do it). And I'm out there, listening to their spiel, and what they're doing--lookin like a chalky ol' alien. All while they're tryin not to laugh hysterically at me. 😳😩
Lemme tell ya, that's some next level embarrassment. Turned 50 Shades of Red there. And if there were ever a time for the Earth to open a sink hole and swallow me up--that was its chance!
There are literally 23 hours and 45 other minutes of the day they could of showed up. But no. They had to right then. And only then.
Ugh. But like my Hubby said, after I called and told him of my humiliating experience (and he stopped laughing too): "Baby, if you didn't have bad luck, you'd have no luck at all."
Alright, so yeah. And that's the tale of why I'll never apply another face mask again. 😂
Ok, enough about that!
Back to today!
Let's talk a bit about some workouts, shall we?
How about it Blenders? Is it a workout day, or rest day, for you?
And some good food goin on today? What's on the menu for today, Blenders?
Yesterday, we actually ended up doing brinner instead of pizzas. We pushed pizzas off today, since there's foosball tonight! #GOPACKGO. Pizza and beer it is!
Well, I went way past my rambling quota today, so I'll quit while I'm ahead!
I hope you all have a lovely day, and thanks so much for checking in with me!
Take care guys, and enjoy those workouts/rest today!
Daily Check-in: Thursday, September 26th
Good Morning/Afternoon/Evening, Blenders!
How're you doin today?
It's already Thursday--which means, we're basically to the weekend, right? Well, ok, close enough to start celebrating!
I'm ready for this week to be over, caz that means it's vaca time for me and hubs! (In case you missed it, I'll be gone for 2 weeks, and you'll get to spend that time with the wonderful Ms. Raven! You lucky ducks, you!)
What about you Blenders? Any fun plans you're already formulating for your weekend?
I also have another random butterfly photo for you today! This is a Milbert's Tortoiseshell. I love this guy so much--look at the eyes on his wings! Look at the dark iridescent black/purple/blue contrast of his wings to the brilliant orange--I mean, he's got all the wow factors! Just incredible!
And since I'm rambling away today anyway, I've got a fun story to share of a happenstance that occurred to me yesterday.
So, we live in a very rural area. That generally means an unparalleled level of privacy--no unexpected visitors/solicitors, you can run around in your underwear and no one can see you--heck, you don't even need curtains on the windows, caz there's just nobody around. I enjoy this aspect very much. So when I get extra time to do things like, say, wear old sweat pants and a t-shirt covered in holes and stains that's 3 sizes too big, put my hair into an obscene knot on the top of my head with a head band to plaster every thing down properly, and apply a face mask that makes me look like a chalky alien--I should have nothin to worry about right? Nobody can see, right?
If that were only so. I was in the bathroom yesterday, happily applying the chalky alien effect, when I hear the Furry Trainers barking at something in the living room. Don't think much about it, caz they bark at random stuff all the time, and just start talkin to them. "What are you guys barking at now?" I continue to get the alien face applied, and then proceed to go to the living room--only to see a car parked out front, with a woman standing next to it.
What. The. Heck.
And caz there's a big window next to the front door, I can't do the "pretend I'm not home" thing, caz she saw me.
I stutter through the open window, with my chalky alien face " a. good.time...??"
And she starts laughing. Like a lot.
Then I see a guy, using some kind of instrument around my house--and I'm like what the ever loving heck is goin on here?
So, I have to go out and confront these individuals, with old sweatpants on, a t-shirt covered in holes and stains that's 3 sizes too big, an obscene hair knot on the top of my head, and a face that looks as if I'm auditioning for the "Scream" movies.
So the man sees me too, and starts laughing about as hard as the woman is. I guess this is just sooooo funny to them. Yeah, caz mid-day, middle of no-where, not expecting anybody to show up, you'd think you'd have 15 freakin minutes of privacy to apply a dang face mask in peace. BUT NO YOU DON'T.
Turns out, it was the County Assessors re-doing property values/taxes (this is not a surprising thing at all, just had no idea when they'd do it). And I'm out there, listening to their spiel, and what they're doing--lookin like a chalky ol' alien. All while they're tryin not to laugh hysterically at me. 😳😩
Lemme tell ya, that's some next level embarrassment. Turned 50 Shades of Red there. And if there were ever a time for the Earth to open a sink hole and swallow me up--that was its chance!
There are literally 23 hours and 45 other minutes of the day they could of showed up. But no. They had to right then. And only then.
Ugh. But like my Hubby said, after I called and told him of my humiliating experience (and he stopped laughing too): "Baby, if you didn't have bad luck, you'd have no luck at all."
Alright, so yeah. And that's the tale of why I'll never apply another face mask again. 😂
Ok, enough about that!
Back to today!
Let's talk a bit about some workouts, shall we?
How about it Blenders? Is it a workout day, or rest day, for you?
It's Throwback Thursday, and a leg day for me! So I'm gonna try to tackle this beast today: It's got the 8 rounds of 20 seconds format, and some core work in there too. Win-win!
And some good food goin on today? What's on the menu for today, Blenders?
Yesterday, we actually ended up doing brinner instead of pizzas. We pushed pizzas off today, since there's foosball tonight! #GOPACKGO. Pizza and beer it is!
Well, I went way past my rambling quota today, so I'll quit while I'm ahead!
I hope you all have a lovely day, and thanks so much for checking in with me!
Take care guys, and enjoy those workouts/rest today!