I’ve been a Blender for almost 2 years. I enjoy reading the commentary. Few months ago one really caught my attention about how come I’m not sore anymore, challenging myself, changing routines, that sort of thing. It caught my attention because I was experiencing exact same feelings. Everyone who commented were right and on point.
Sooooo, due to unexpected life events, my workout schedule was altered. Yesterday was the first time I was able to run 2 miles and then follow it up with Kelli’s workout below. OH MY GOD! I’m only 1 day out, but I’m screaming because I feel EVERYTHING. BTW... my break was only one week. That’s how effective these workouts are.
I’ll keep doing this booty workout of Kelli’s for the next few weeks- but of course- after I’m no longer screaming in pain!
Lower body is SCREAMING SORE!
I’ve been a Blender for almost 2 years. I enjoy reading the commentary. Few months ago one really caught my attention about how come I’m not sore anymore, challenging myself, changing routines, that sort of thing. It caught my attention because I was experiencing exact same feelings. Everyone who commented were right and on point.
Sooooo, due to unexpected life events, my workout schedule was altered. Yesterday was the first time I was able to run 2 miles and then follow it up with Kelli’s workout below. OH MY GOD! I’m only 1 day out, but I’m screaming because I feel EVERYTHING. BTW... my break was only one week. That’s how effective these workouts are.
I’ll keep doing this booty workout of Kelli’s for the next few weeks- but of course- after I’m no longer screaming in pain!