The story goes as follows: Ivett decided to do the scheduled LOWER-BODY routine on Saturday but as she was working out she realised that she had magically managed to injure her arm which is normally considered to be part of the UPPER-BODY. (Truth be told it probably happened during those side plank kicks.) Aand to first-person narrative. I felt as if my lower arm was in a vice. I thought I'd take a short break to see what happens hoping it would get better but my arm started swelling. A nice pulled muscle. (it looked a bit worse before I took the picture)
I showed it to a friend who said that I shouldn't worry because if the little alien breaks out it would probably look for a new host and wouldn't kill me. Well, the little alien has disintegrated under my skin and now my arm looks like it got tanned and then beaten up. I can officially state that my left arm is cursed. First lateral epicondylitis, not even fully healed, and now this. I don't know how to break the curse but it probably involves dancing in the moonlight with a potato or something. If you have any better ideas please don't hesitate to contact me.
The Little Alien In My Arm
The story goes as follows: Ivett decided to do the scheduled LOWER-BODY routine on Saturday but as she was working out she realised that she had magically managed to injure her arm which is normally considered to be part of the UPPER-BODY. (Truth be told it probably happened during those side plank kicks.) Aand to first-person narrative. I felt as if my lower arm was in a vice. I thought I'd take a short break to see what happens hoping it would get better but my arm started swelling. A nice pulled muscle. (it looked a bit worse before I took the picture)
I showed it to a friend who said that I shouldn't worry because if the little alien breaks out it would probably look for a new host and wouldn't kill me. Well, the little alien has disintegrated under my skin and now my arm looks like it got tanned and then beaten up. I can officially state that my left arm is cursed. First lateral epicondylitis, not even fully healed, and now this. I don't know how to break the curse but it probably involves dancing in the moonlight with a potato or something. If you have any better ideas please don't hesitate to contact me.