Daily Check-in: Saturday, August 24th & Sunday, August 25th

Hello and Happy Weekend Blenders!

How are we all feeling today? Ready to enjoy a nice fun-filled and/or totally chillaxed weekend?

I hope you get to have a bit of both!

Hubby and I are gonna attempt to do that, but he's gotta work, and my poor baby Furry Trainer #3 is not feeling good at all. So I'm hangin out with my furbabies, and hopefully will be able to help the Little Man feel better soon.

As for a pic today: here's a nice sunset we had the other night! We haven't been having as many colorful sunsets lately, so this one was a real treat.

And how about some workouts for your weekend, Blenders? Are you plannin a weekend warrior type workout, or perhaps it's time for a bit of rest?

It's definitely a couple days of rest for me. I did that balance challenge yesterday: https://www.fitnessblender.com/videos/agility-exercises-to-increase-balance-and-muscle-tone-advanced-balance-workout and I gotta say, I did a lot better than I thought I would! Though I dare anyone to try the very first move and not struggle. haha. Balancing on one leg, closing your eyes, and nodding your head side-to-side? That's hard enough when you're balance is good--but I ruptured my eardrum several weeks ago, and my balance has been suffering a bit ever since--so that move really didn't happen for me at all. lol Gave it a shot, and was like, Nope, I'm keepin the other foot on the ground. But, I was so happy that I was able to balance on top of my physioball for some of other moves! I've always wanted to be able to do that, so that was kinda a cool thing! I'm going to have to come back to this video again soon and see if I can improve that balance for next time.

But in regards to the weekend and workouts: none for me! I do some relaxing yoga, and some house/garden/lawn work as rest day activities.

And how about some good food happen for your weekend, Blenders? What's on your menu?

I'm not really sure yet. I'll have Hubby give me some ideas when he gets home.

Well FB Fam, I've got a sick puppy sittin on my lap who needs a bit of my full attention--so that's it for me for today!

I hope you all have a lovely weekend, and thanks so much for checking in with me!

Take care, stay safe, and have fun--no matter what you have planned! And try to find some good quality relaxation time in there too--it's very important to let your mind and body completely rest and recuperate!

Have a great weekend FB Fam!
