Posted in: Workouts / Goal Setting


So everyone on this site is super encouraging and helpful at all times, and I just wanted to maybe share a little of my own encouragement. I have a tendency to talk bad about myself (FB has definitely helped change this). I am currently doing Flex/Booty and a few of these lower body workouts I've done previously. Before, I would get frustrated and stop when my legs would burn so badly instead of 'hitting pause' like Kelli and Daniel suggest. To me, that was a sign of failure. But last week I knew I had to hit pause and power through at my own pace. And I DID! I completed my workouts, at my pace, respected my body, and didn't feel bad. I guess the point is, if you need to take a moment, seriously, take it! Literally 30 seconds completely changes my ability to push through with good form. As a matter of fact I felt like Super Woman for being able to get through the entire workout.

I'm sorry if this is just a rambling mess. I just want to encourage someone to not feel bad or guilty taking a rest during a workout.

Hope everyone is fabulous, I'm looking forward to my second week of Flex/Booty!!!

Let's get that #WorkoutComplete!!!!