Stretching workout programs over a longer period of time
Hi FB!! Hope everyone is doing awesome this Monday:). I m currently in the middle of XT; it’s 3-days a week and I have found that this is the perfect number of days for me!! Before this, I tried Sweat and gave up pretty quickly.. 5-days/week was just too much. When I’m through with XT I was thinking about putting Sweat back on the calendar, but shifting the days so that it’s only 3 days a week. It’ll make it last a way longer time, but might end up being more sustainable? I was wondering if anyone has done something like this before and has any thoughts or advice. Do you think it will still yield results?
Stretching workout programs over a longer period of time
Hi FB!! Hope everyone is doing awesome this Monday:). I m currently in the middle of XT; it’s 3-days a week and I have found that this is the perfect number of days for me!! Before this, I tried Sweat and gave up pretty quickly.. 5-days/week was just too much. When I’m through with XT I was thinking about putting Sweat back on the calendar, but shifting the days so that it’s only 3 days a week. It’ll make it last a way longer time, but might end up being more sustainable? I was wondering if anyone has done something like this before and has any thoughts or advice. Do you think it will still yield results?
Thanks all:)