HIIT On a Bike

I've had some issues with my feet for a few months, (capsulitis in my second toes) and because of this I haven't been able to do simple things for working out: even jogging in place is a no go right now.

Even though I knew I could still do strength training, I was still feeling pretty defeated and felt what I was doing wasn't 'worth it', and my weight has climbed because of it.

Well for whatever reason, I decided to signed up for a gym that my health insurance will reimburse me for, and asked them to show me how to use one of their bikes. And so I've found a way to do HIIT on that! :) Maybe this is silly, but it helps me to feel like I'm capable of something again.

I'm still a little wary of how I can do warm ups and stuff in-between sets of weights without doing too much to my toes, because while I want them to heal...I also want to push myself to workout.

Any ideas for replacing jogging in place?