Posted in: Nutrition / Nutrition Talk

Reverse diet prior to Shred

Hi everyone!

I am looking for people who did a reverse diet and maybe went into a cut/shred afterwards.

In December I did FB Sweat and lost 3kg (6lbs) but I gained them back quickly after new years cause I was on holliday and went from a deficit to maybe even surplus too fast.

So back to the start since January and this time nothing seem to work.

I have therefore tried a Reverse diet to fix my metabolism.

I started the reverse diet on 17th of may, with 1550 kcal until 16th of June at 1850/1900 kcal. In the mean time I was doing FB Strong.

Then I had a couple of dinners, birthdays, graduations and let's say I adopted the mode of eating whatever, anyway I wanted to reach 2000+ calories.

I have pictures of these beautiful moments and I hate how I look. To me, it seems I gained 5kgs(10lbs) or that somebody blew me up like a balloon.

So many people get lean on a reverse diet and I was expecting to do the same. I didn't.

I didn't really gain weight on the reverse diet, but I gained 2 cm on my belly and one on my tights.

I got "scared" and now I am eating at a deficit again and trying to incorporate as much protein as possible without getting sick of meat.

If somebody has suggestions or similar stories I am listening.

Pictures: Left one taken on Sunday 21st and Right one taken yesterday, Thursday 25th June.

I weight 70kg (or 155lbs) in both but I don't see myself the same.

Height: 1,64m or 5'4"
