I am doing fb 30 currently. A 12 min kettlebell workout is scheduled for tomorrow . I am not really sure about it. First of all I don’t own a kettle bell so will have to try it with regular dumbbells . Second, only 12 minutes ??. I would love some advice regarding kettle bell workouts ? Do they burn out upper body more than lower ? Is a 12 minute workout actually enough by itself or should I pair it up with some cardio ..would appreciate any feedback ! Thanks
Kettle bell workouts
I am doing fb 30 currently. A 12 min kettlebell workout is scheduled for tomorrow . I am not really sure about it. First of all I don’t own a kettle bell so will have to try it with regular dumbbells . Second, only 12 minutes ??. I would love some advice regarding kettle bell workouts ? Do they burn out upper body more than lower ? Is a 12 minute workout actually enough by itself or should I pair it up with some cardio ..would appreciate any feedback ! Thanks