I like working out at home. In my own basement, with only my kids around, I feel comfortable and unembarrassed when the inevitable fart occurs while working out. Usually during bicycle crunches. As a nurse, better out than in I say. But the best part is that my 7 year old son thinks this is HILARIOUS EVERY SINGLE TIME.
So about a week ago I was doing a Daniel + Kelly workout (don’t remember which one) and I let one go really loud to make my son laugh. Instead of the uncontrolled belly laughter that I was expecting, he smirked and then got really serious. He looked at the screen and said, “do you think they ever fart while recording? Like, have you ever heard it? Or maybe they edit it out?”
Everyone Does It...
I like working out at home. In my own basement, with only my kids around, I feel comfortable and unembarrassed when the inevitable fart occurs while working out. Usually during bicycle crunches. As a nurse, better out than in I say. But the best part is that my 7 year old son thinks this is HILARIOUS EVERY SINGLE TIME.
So about a week ago I was doing a Daniel + Kelly workout (don’t remember which one) and I let one go really loud to make my son laugh. Instead of the uncontrolled belly laughter that I was expecting, he smirked and then got really serious. He looked at the screen and said, “do you think they ever fart while recording? Like, have you ever heard it? Or maybe they edit it out?”
Thoughts of a seven year old boy.