Yesterday I took a look at the bananas we bought a few days ago and noticed that they where already super ripe. I put them in the mixer with sunseeds and whole-grain flour, some chia seeds, oats, milk, lineseeds and cocoa.
I had no recipe and thats why I don't know why it came out that good.
But the bread is so delicious.
I'm so happy that I could use the bananas and wanted to share this with you guys.
Banana whole-grain bread
Yesterday I took a look at the bananas we bought a few days ago and noticed that they where already super ripe. I put them in the mixer with sunseeds and whole-grain flour, some chia seeds, oats, milk, lineseeds and cocoa.
I had no recipe and thats why I don't know why it came out that good.
But the bread is so delicious.
I'm so happy that I could use the bananas and wanted to share this with you guys.