This morning when I woke up at 6.15, my first thought was: “are we Roamblending or Beachblending today?! I had planned a session for on the beach (Beachblender) and one for off the beach (Roamblender)! It had rained all day yesterday and overnight, but it was actually dry this morning, so a Beachblender session it was. We had a great time. I told everyone I had done a Fitnessblender kettlebell workout yesterday (yes, Daniel’s new one) and I might not be joining in for everything. .... but of course, once I started going I was fine! I had incorporated two of Daniel’s exercises, because I thought they were so much fun: the squat walk with weights in front, the side lunge shift with weights held to the side. I wondered whether it was a good idea to do exercises today that I had done yesterday....but I just fancied them 🤔đź¤. Some of the other exercises were: sprint (in soft sand!) and skip back, which I definitely didn’t manage today; walking lunges; bridge hold with weights passed underneath; wall sit with calf raise; toe touch getup, backbow-rollover-toetouch crunch-rollover-backbow! With all the rain yesterday, the sand was quite damp still. So you can imagine what our clothes looked like after that last exercise.... if not: the photo shows my arms with sand stuck everywhere, esp under my watch 🤣🤣🤣 I presume the hoover will be full of sand again next time we hoover... but then my life’s motto nowadays “live by the beach, have sand”, even it does end up in our beds!
Sand....!!!!! Blending on the beach again.
This morning when I woke up at 6.15, my first thought was: “are we Roamblending or Beachblending today?! I had planned a session for on the beach (Beachblender) and one for off the beach (Roamblender)! It had rained all day yesterday and overnight, but it was actually dry this morning, so a Beachblender session it was. We had a great time. I told everyone I had done a Fitnessblender kettlebell workout yesterday (yes, Daniel’s new one) and I might not be joining in for everything. .... but of course, once I started going I was fine! I had incorporated two of Daniel’s exercises, because I thought they were so much fun: the squat walk with weights in front, the side lunge shift with weights held to the side. I wondered whether it was a good idea to do exercises today that I had done yesterday....but I just fancied them 🤔đź¤. Some of the other exercises were: sprint (in soft sand!) and skip back, which I definitely didn’t manage today; walking lunges; bridge hold with weights passed underneath; wall sit with calf raise; toe touch getup, backbow-rollover-toetouch crunch-rollover-backbow! With all the rain yesterday, the sand was quite damp still. So you can imagine what our clothes looked like after that last exercise.... if not: the photo shows my arms with sand stuck everywhere, esp under my watch 🤣🤣🤣 I presume the hoover will be full of sand again next time we hoover... but then my life’s motto nowadays “live by the beach, have sand”, even it does end up in our beds!