I'm doin alright today! Christina seems to be improving (I'll give her another day in the chicken infirmary before putting a coat on her, and putting her back in gen pop), so that's good! Furry Trainer's are good, Hubby is good, chickens are good, garden and flowers are good, and the cars are getting fixed! Ain't got nothin to complain about here!
I've also got another random bird photo for you today! This is a Hairy Woodpecker mom feeding her rather large baby! It kinda cracks me up that he's as big as her, and he's literally sitting in the seed tray, but she's still gotta feed him. lol.
That's how is goes though, right? No matter how big they get, most moms still take care of their babies.
Anywho, how're things going in your corner of the world, Blenders? What's the weather like? Is it pleasantly comfortable, kinda chilly, or maybe blistering hot where you are?
It's rainy, but comfy here today. It's the perfect kind of soft rain that'll help water my flowers and garden, so I'll take it!
And no matter what the weather's like in your part of the world, are you still getting those #workoutcompletes? Or maybe a #restcomplete? (Gotta have a good balance of both!)
What about for today, Blenders? Is it a workout day, or a rest day for you?
And of course we've got to refuel after those tough workouts--so what's on your menu for today, Blenders?
I might actually get some groceries today! I've got one functioning vehicle, and the other should be done today, so yay! Groceries! haha. I think I will take this opportunity to make taco salad! With ground yak meat! Yes, I happened upon yak meat! (You know, like randomly. Just wandering about, having a normal day, then BAM! outta nowhere: yak meat. Totally normal. haha)
Well FB Fam, I think that's more than enough from me today!
I hope you all have a fantastic day, and thanks so much for checking in with me!
Take care and have fun with your workouts (or rest) today!
Daily Check-in: Wednesday, June 19th
Good Morning/Afternoon/Evening Blenders!
How're you all doing today? Feeling good?
I certainly hope so!
I'm doin alright today! Christina seems to be improving (I'll give her another day in the chicken infirmary before putting a coat on her, and putting her back in gen pop), so that's good! Furry Trainer's are good, Hubby is good, chickens are good, garden and flowers are good, and the cars are getting fixed! Ain't got nothin to complain about here!
I've also got another random bird photo for you today! This is a Hairy Woodpecker mom feeding her rather large baby! It kinda cracks me up that he's as big as her, and he's literally sitting in the seed tray, but she's still gotta feed him. lol.
That's how is goes though, right? No matter how big they get, most moms still take care of their babies.
Anywho, how're things going in your corner of the world, Blenders? What's the weather like? Is it pleasantly comfortable, kinda chilly, or maybe blistering hot where you are?
It's rainy, but comfy here today. It's the perfect kind of soft rain that'll help water my flowers and garden, so I'll take it!
And no matter what the weather's like in your part of the world, are you still getting those #workoutcompletes? Or maybe a #restcomplete? (Gotta have a good balance of both!)
What about for today, Blenders? Is it a workout day, or a rest day for you?
It's a workout day for me! I did this core workout yesterday: https://www.fitnessblender.com/videos/brutal-abs-workout-abs-obliques-and-lower-back-workout, and I'm feeling it today! My upper body/back is still somewhat sore from the new kettlebell workout I did Monday, so I think it's a great day for leg work! I should probably also include a bit of cardio since I didn't do any yesterday like I planned. So, I think I'll do this combo: https://www.fitnessblender.com/videos/fat-burning-hiit-workout-with-warm-up-cardio
Yep, that'll burn out the legs nicely, methinks!
And of course we've got to refuel after those tough workouts--so what's on your menu for today, Blenders?
I might actually get some groceries today! I've got one functioning vehicle, and the other should be done today, so yay! Groceries! haha. I think I will take this opportunity to make taco salad! With ground yak meat! Yes, I happened upon yak meat! (You know, like randomly. Just wandering about, having a normal day, then BAM! outta nowhere: yak meat. Totally normal. haha)
Well FB Fam, I think that's more than enough from me today!
I hope you all have a fantastic day, and thanks so much for checking in with me!
Take care and have fun with your workouts (or rest) today!