Yesterday, I started working out with FB 30 - 2. So, today is my second day doing exercise and trying to eat healthy. But, I have always struggle with ideas when preparing my lunch and my dinner. I get out of ideas and when I need to cook, I really do not know what to do (even if I have food at my house). It is simmilar with my wardrobe. I look at it and I say "I do not know what to wear!".
This is the same, I look at my kitchen closet and I say "I do not know what to eat" (and it is full of food).
I would like to know what do you eat or what do you cook to eat, so we can share different meals and get new ideas to prepare!
Ideas for lunch and dinner!
Hello everyone!
Yesterday, I started working out with FB 30 - 2. So, today is my second day doing exercise and trying to eat healthy. But, I have always struggle with ideas when preparing my lunch and my dinner. I get out of ideas and when I need to cook, I really do not know what to do (even if I have food at my house). It is simmilar with my wardrobe. I look at it and I say "I do not know what to wear!".
This is the same, I look at my kitchen closet and I say "I do not know what to eat" (and it is full of food).
I would like to know what do you eat or what do you cook to eat, so we can share different meals and get new ideas to prepare!