Good morning, good afternoon, and good night (name that movie, hehe)
Anyways, it's morning here and I have a quick question. My mom has recently started going to yoga and loves it. This is her first time in many years to participate in exercise since she is such a workhorse. (I remember her working out to Kathy Ireland tapes back on the day in her headband and 'fro lol). She's finally retiring this year too! She's so excited.😃
Anyways, I was thinking about buying her a low impact program for Mother's Day. I have been telling her about FB for years, but I think she needs structure and a little nudge.
Has anyone bought a program as a gift for someone that doesn't have an account? Should I create an account for her and purchase a program with that new account?
Buying a program as a gift...
Good morning, good afternoon, and good night (name that movie, hehe)
Anyways, it's morning here and I have a quick question. My mom has recently started going to yoga and loves it. This is her first time in many years to participate in exercise since she is such a workhorse. (I remember her working out to Kathy Ireland tapes back on the day in her headband and 'fro lol). She's finally retiring this year too! She's so excited.😃
Anyways, I was thinking about buying her a low impact program for Mother's Day. I have been telling her about FB for years, but I think she needs structure and a little nudge.
Has anyone bought a program as a gift for someone that doesn't have an account? Should I create an account for her and purchase a program with that new account?
Just wondering. Thank you in advance!