What is it with the immediate gains you make with strength training?
Okay, rationally, I understand that the gains aren't immediate, but your brain (or at least my brain) somehow convinces you that SOMETHING has changed, even after just one strength workout - you're fitter, bigger, more toned, stronger. Right? Seriously, it's not just me, right?
Anyway, I've been taking it easy the past few months (lazy, some might call it, but I'm sticking with "taking it easy"), but after finishing up yoga this morning with #chefinthemaking I proudly announced, "I think I'm going to do a Fitness Blender strength workout."
She looked at me, somewhat in disbelief, and said, "yeah, okay Rock, go for it."
Still stinging from the lack of confidence from #chefinthemaking (which was totally, totally unfounded, of course...ahem...), I opened up the Fitness Blender website and saw a new workout...a new strength workout.
Boom! Must have been fate.
So, I grabbed my mat and PowerBlocks and went outside, furry trainers in tow. ~40 minutes later, I snapped this pic, which clearly shows that I have made significant, immediate gains. ;)
Well, either that, or the lighting was just right, or my eyes were a bit blurry from all the sweat, or all the blood had rushed out of my head, or my shirt fitting a bit tighter had something to do with the pizza I ate last night, but whatever...I feel like I made immediate gains.
Anyway, I hope #chefinthemaking recognizes me when she gets home...and doesn't call the police because the Rock grew a beard and broke into our house while she was at work (actually, come to think of it, she would NOT call the police in a scenario like that anyway, but whatever...you get my point).
Immediate Gains
What is it with the immediate gains you make with strength training?
Okay, rationally, I understand that the gains aren't immediate, but your brain (or at least my brain) somehow convinces you that SOMETHING has changed, even after just one strength workout - you're fitter, bigger, more toned, stronger. Right? Seriously, it's not just me, right?
Anyway, I've been taking it easy the past few months (lazy, some might call it, but I'm sticking with "taking it easy"), but after finishing up yoga this morning with #chefinthemaking I proudly announced, "I think I'm going to do a Fitness Blender strength workout."
She looked at me, somewhat in disbelief, and said, "yeah, okay Rock, go for it."
Still stinging from the lack of confidence from #chefinthemaking (which was totally, totally unfounded, of course...ahem...), I opened up the Fitness Blender website and saw a new workout...a new strength workout.
Boom! Must have been fate.
So, I grabbed my mat and PowerBlocks and went outside, furry trainers in tow. ~40 minutes later, I snapped this pic, which clearly shows that I have made significant, immediate gains. ;)
Well, either that, or the lighting was just right, or my eyes were a bit blurry from all the sweat, or all the blood had rushed out of my head, or my shirt fitting a bit tighter had something to do with the pizza I ate last night, but whatever...I feel like I made immediate gains.
Anyway, I hope #chefinthemaking recognizes me when she gets home...and doesn't call the police because the Rock grew a beard and broke into our house while she was at work (actually, come to think of it, she would NOT call the police in a scenario like that anyway, but whatever...you get my point).
#AndrewComplete #strengthtraining #gains