Need accountability partner for losing pregnancy weight

Hi, I have an 8 month old baby. I am trying hard to lose my pregnancy weight but it gets frustrating at times being a stay at home mom ( I'm a doctor by profession but currently at home till my child turns 1 year) and managing the baby, housework, hubby (!!!), so fitness sometimes slides down on the priority list although I believe it should be first. A happy and healthy mommy means happy and healthy family. It gets tempting to gobble unhealthy food when I'm stressed , sleep deprived or when its overwhelming to manage my baby.

I was very fit and health conscious before I had my baby, hope to get back to my previous self at least till my son's first birthday so I can look good in the pics which will be memorable for our lifetime.

It gets depressing at times since the only clothes I can currently fit into are my maternity clothes.

I'm looking for support and motivation, accountability partner/s who can help me stay on track when the going gets tough.