Posted in: Nutrition / Nutrition Talk

Not so nice after workout dilemma

The other night I finished an hour and a half scheduled workout from FB burn (added an extra video), and reheated my meal, a misua soup with luffa and shrimp... I've been craving for it and since I've burned away my previous meal, I was feeling a little bit hungry but realized not "maybe a little bit" because the bowl slipped out of my hand just as I was putting it on table, a few inches from the edge and so this misua soup, my after workout meal, scattered on the floor, with nothing left in the bowl, was scopped by my bare hands. And, I tell you, this is one of the worst kind of punishment after an intense workout, the smell, the texture, the shrimp just made me want to eat it from the dirty floor!

It was a good thing a small portion of chicken soup with papaya was left and I didn't have any choice but it's really not enough after more than an hour of sweating. 😥

What's the worst after workout dilemma youve had so far? How do you manage your after workout food?