Strange picture today, but: Coby, this one's for you! You wondered about ice fishing, and this is literally all it is! You drill a hole in the ice, set up your shanty over it, drop your line down in, and wait for fish! This kinda shows how deep the ice was too (about 20+ inches thick--there were people driving full size trucks out on the lake, so it was pretty good ice).
Hello Blenders! And Happy Monday (or Tuesday) to you all!
How are you all doing today? Feeling good?
Did you have a good weekend?
I did! I had fun ice fishing with hubby, wandering around with the Furry Trainers, and searching for owls! Though I gotta say, I'm a bit sore from all that! (Mostly from the ice fishing--it can actually be quite the workout depending how deep and drifted the snow on the lake is.) Dragging the sled out there was a full body workout, really. Hubby and I took turns dragging it (he even told me, "I gotta earn my #SledDragComplete today!" haha), and whew! That's a good muscle burner!
But it's all good now!
And did you guys see that K & D released a new kickboxing video?! Are you as excited as I am to try it?!
(Here's the link to their post in case you missed it:
I don't exactly know when I'll get to this one, but I know it'll be soon!
As for today? What workouts do you guys have planned? Or maybe it's a rest day for you?
I'm officially starting my second week of Fit Rd2, and I'm starting off with HIIT and lower body strength! So excited!
And what about some good food to start off your week?
I'm thinking something like a sheet pan supper. Chicken, potatoes, carrots, celery, sweet potatoes, and onion all on a sheet pan. Maybe flavored with a bit of honey mustard?
Oh yeah, that sounds pretty darn good. I talked myself into it! haha
What about you Blenders? What's on the menu for today?
And if you're interested, Siobhan is looking to start a Community Vegetable Challenge as a way to encourage eating more veggies! Here's the link to her post if you wanna join in:
I think this is a great idea, Siobhan! I know I don't eat nearly enough veggies. Fruit? Now I can eat that all day every day. Veggies...not so much. haha. So make sure to head on over to Siobhan's post, and let her know if you're interested in joining in!
Alright Blenders, that's enough rambling from me today!
I hope you all have a wonderful day, and thanks so much for checking in with me!
Now go out there and get those hard-earned #WorkoutCompletes today!
Daily Check-in: Monday, February 18th
Strange picture today, but: Coby, this one's for you! You wondered about ice fishing, and this is literally all it is! You drill a hole in the ice, set up your shanty over it, drop your line down in, and wait for fish! This kinda shows how deep the ice was too (about 20+ inches thick--there were people driving full size trucks out on the lake, so it was pretty good ice).
Hello Blenders! And Happy Monday (or Tuesday) to you all!
How are you all doing today? Feeling good?
Did you have a good weekend?
I did! I had fun ice fishing with hubby, wandering around with the Furry Trainers, and searching for owls! Though I gotta say, I'm a bit sore from all that! (Mostly from the ice fishing--it can actually be quite the workout depending how deep and drifted the snow on the lake is.) Dragging the sled out there was a full body workout, really. Hubby and I took turns dragging it (he even told me, "I gotta earn my #SledDragComplete today!" haha), and whew! That's a good muscle burner!
But it's all good now!
And did you guys see that K & D released a new kickboxing video?! Are you as excited as I am to try it?!
(Here's the link to their post in case you missed it: )
I don't exactly know when I'll get to this one, but I know it'll be soon!
As for today? What workouts do you guys have planned? Or maybe it's a rest day for you?
I'm officially starting my second week of Fit Rd2, and I'm starting off with HIIT and lower body strength! So excited!
And what about some good food to start off your week?
I'm thinking something like a sheet pan supper. Chicken, potatoes, carrots, celery, sweet potatoes, and onion all on a sheet pan. Maybe flavored with a bit of honey mustard?
Oh yeah, that sounds pretty darn good. I talked myself into it! haha
What about you Blenders? What's on the menu for today?
And if you're interested, Siobhan is looking to start a Community Vegetable Challenge as a way to encourage eating more veggies! Here's the link to her post if you wanna join in:
I think this is a great idea, Siobhan! I know I don't eat nearly enough veggies. Fruit? Now I can eat that all day every day. Veggies...not so much. haha. So make sure to head on over to Siobhan's post, and let her know if you're interested in joining in!
Alright Blenders, that's enough rambling from me today!
I hope you all have a wonderful day, and thanks so much for checking in with me!
Now go out there and get those hard-earned #WorkoutCompletes today!