Hello FB family! I discovered this marvelous website 9 weeks ago. I promptly signed up for the 2 free 5 day challenges "Strong and Lean" and "Build muscle..." I then purchased the 8 week build muscles and lose fat and will follow with the 4 week weight training. I am now at week 7 (of the 8 week) and have been very consistent with the program. I also enjoy yoga daily and 5km on weekends. Our diet has always been free of processed foods and mostly plant based, no sugar. I commute to and from a desk job 1 hour each way.- this was the biggest change for me 1.5 year ago and since then I have gained weight (about 10-15 pounds). I had weight issues as a child so this current state of 25 extra pounds is making me quite upset. I do have chronic pain controlled with yoga but I do find the extra puts alot of pressure on my back and joints. There has been a very slight change in waistline measurement but no budging of the scale. I am stronger which I notice when I do yoga. Has any other 50 year old woman experienced similar issues and if so, when did you start to see positive movement for weight loss? My routine is 30 minutes yoga in am and the 1 hour or so session with FB in the evening upon return for work. All home made meals in appropriate sizes. Looking for a bit of hope! Thanks!
Frsutrations with weight loss after 50
Hello FB family! I discovered this marvelous website 9 weeks ago. I promptly signed up for the 2 free 5 day challenges "Strong and Lean" and "Build muscle..." I then purchased the 8 week build muscles and lose fat and will follow with the 4 week weight training. I am now at week 7 (of the 8 week) and have been very consistent with the program. I also enjoy yoga daily and 5km on weekends. Our diet has always been free of processed foods and mostly plant based, no sugar. I commute to and from a desk job 1 hour each way.- this was the biggest change for me 1.5 year ago and since then I have gained weight (about 10-15 pounds). I had weight issues as a child so this current state of 25 extra pounds is making me quite upset. I do have chronic pain controlled with yoga but I do find the extra puts alot of pressure on my back and joints. There has been a very slight change in waistline measurement but no budging of the scale. I am stronger which I notice when I do yoga. Has any other 50 year old woman experienced similar issues and if so, when did you start to see positive movement for weight loss? My routine is 30 minutes yoga in am and the 1 hour or so session with FB in the evening upon return for work. All home made meals in appropriate sizes. Looking for a bit of hope! Thanks!