Raven, this one's for you! You posted about sun dogs about a week or so ago, and guess what?? I saw one yesterday! Here's a pic of part of it (I couldn't get a full picture without the sun totally bleaching it out)! It was so cool, and I immediately thought of you! Thanks for teaching me about sun dogs!
Hello Blenders, and Happy Wednesday!
How are you all feeling on this second day of 2019? Hopefully pretty good?
Other than a bit sore from shoveling snow yesterday, I'm feeling pretty alright-alright-alright. (insert Matthew McConaughey voice here haha)
And what about some workouts going on today? Are you working out, or are you resting?
I'm getting my #WorkoutCompleteForK&D with lower body strength training today! I'm so excited! (I got some new Powerblocks recently that I've been toying with. I'm still deciding on how I like them compared to my Bowflex adjustable weights, because they both have some good pros and cons).
And what about some good food today?
I'm thinking leftovers tonight! We have some leftover turkey soup, Korean taco meat/kimchi salad, and some green salad fixings that need to be used up. So it's going to a mashup of all those things for supper!
What about you guys? What's cookin for today?
Well Blenders, I'm afraid I've gotta run—it's a busy morning here! I hope you all have a great day today, and thanks so much for checking in with me! Keep on, keepin on Blenders!
Daily Check-in: Wednesday, January 2nd
Raven, this one's for you! You posted about sun dogs about a week or so ago, and guess what?? I saw one yesterday! Here's a pic of part of it (I couldn't get a full picture without the sun totally bleaching it out)! It was so cool, and I immediately thought of you! Thanks for teaching me about sun dogs!
Hello Blenders, and Happy Wednesday!
How are you all feeling on this second day of 2019? Hopefully pretty good?
Other than a bit sore from shoveling snow yesterday, I'm feeling pretty alright-alright-alright. (insert Matthew McConaughey voice here haha)
And what about some workouts going on today? Are you working out, or are you resting?
I'm getting my #WorkoutCompleteForK&D with lower body strength training today! I'm so excited! (I got some new Powerblocks recently that I've been toying with. I'm still deciding on how I like them compared to my Bowflex adjustable weights, because they both have some good pros and cons).
And what about some good food today?
I'm thinking leftovers tonight! We have some leftover turkey soup, Korean taco meat/kimchi salad, and some green salad fixings that need to be used up. So it's going to a mashup of all those things for supper!
What about you guys? What's cookin for today?
Well Blenders, I'm afraid I've gotta run—it's a busy morning here! I hope you all have a great day today, and thanks so much for checking in with me! Keep on, keepin on Blenders!