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Peach Sorbet with Honey and Ginger - Gluten Free, Vegetarian, Vegan Dessert

Peach Sorbet with Honey and Ginger - Gluten Free, Vegetarian, Vegan Dessert

Healthy Recipes


Who doesn't love ice cream? 

Well, if you're looking for a healthy alternative, sorbet is an awesome way to help you scratch that after dinner sweet spot. 

The great thing about sorbet is that it is extremely simple to make and you can use whatever fruits you like or whichever ones are in season.  This peach sorbet with ginger and honey can be made quickly and will last in the freezer for as long as your willpower can allow! 

This recipe will give you a great base to learn how to make a sorbet, then once you get comfortable with it, all you need to do is mix and match your favorite fruits and presto — you have your very own sorbet.  Just the way you like it.

Nutritional Perks

  • Very low in saturated fat
  • No cholesterol
  • Very low in sodium
  • High in manganese
  • Peaches are a good source of Vitamin C as is ginger
  • Homemade dessert without any mystery ingredients (as opposed to typically heavily-processed, store-bought products)

For about five portions you will need:

1 lb frozen peaches, fresh will work too
1.5 tablespoons ginger
3/4 cup water
1/2 cup honey
1/4 teaspoon fresh basil to garnish each portion

*Vegan option will substitute 1/3 cup raw sugar for honey

To get started you will need to get a pot on the stove over medium to medium low heat and add your water.  We are just trying to warm the water up, not boil or simmer it.  Once it comes up in temperature go ahead and add your honey and mix it together.  If you are choosing the vegan option add your sugar, the process will be the same, but may take a little bit longer since the sugar needs to dissolve.  The addition of heat to this process helps it speed up and mix more thoroughly.  What you are creating is referred to as a simple syrup.  Once that is all finished set it aside while you dice your ginger.  Go ahead and add your sliced peaches, ginger and simple syrup to the blender.  After that is pureed to nice smooth texture you can pour it into either individual serving containers or one large container to go into the freezer.  If you used frozen peaches, there is a good chance it is still a bit cold and this would be a great time to sneak a bite!  When it comes time to serve just add a garnish of chopped fresh basil and tell your friends you slaved away for hours creating this refreshing dessert.

One of the great things about this recipe is that you can really add whatever flavors you want to it and make it your own.  The simple syrup with sugar is the traditional way to make a sorbet.  All you need to do is keep the proportions the same and change the fruit to whatever you like.  Strawberry banana is always a great combination or you could try something a bit more exotic like mango passion fruit.

Nutritional information (for 1/5 of the serving size above):

Calories 144
Total Fat 0.3 mg
Cholesterol 0 mg
Sodium 3 mg
Potassium 214 mg
Total Carbohydrates 37 g
Dietary Fiber 1.6 g
Sugars 35 g
Protein 1.1 g
Vitamin A 7%
Vitamin C 11%
Calcium 1%
Iron 3%