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Wake Up Call Cardio Workout - Calorie Burning Warm Up Cardio for Energy

6 Min • Total Body
  • View on YouTube
    • Training Type Cardiovascular, Low Impact, Warm Up/Cool Down
    • Equipment No Equipment
    • Membership Free


    A little physical activity goes a long way, and it can be more effective than a cup of coffee or any other source of caffeine when it comes to providing a wake up call of an energy boost at points of the day when you're feeling sluggish.
    Quick bouts of activity are a win-win situation; you get to clear your head briefly, lower your stress levels, burn off a few extra calories, get your blood circulating, and end up with a boost in energy and focus. Study after study has shown that exercise makes for more productive and healthy employees - just think of what you can do when you harness and utilize that advantage in your own personal and professional life. 

    This quick cardio workout can be used in lots of different ways. Aside from being a great way to shake off a bad mood or stiff muscles from sitting at a computer all day, it's also a great warm up routine. All muscle groups are lightly engaged, and the twelve different intervals of warm up exercises are varied enough that you could easily jump into a strength training workout for the upper or lower body, or even a high intensity interval training workout. Whatever you plan on tackling for your main workout, this warm up has likely got you covered.

    Workout Structure
    - Light total body exercises in 30 second intervals that gradually increase in intensity
    - Low impact modifications shown where applicable 
    - No equipment

    Printable Workout
    Boxer Shuffle 
    High Knee Twist
    Arm Circles (forward and back)
    Deadlift Fly
    Phantom Kettlebell
    Bird Dog Pulls
    Push Up to Child's Pose
    Squat + Calf Raise
    Reverse Lunge + Ventral Raise
    Lateral Jumps
    Butt Kickers
    Jumping Jacks

    How often can I do this routine?
    Because this is a low to mid-range intensity routine, of short duration and no intense focus on one muscle group, you can do this routine as often as you like.

    How should I use this routine?
    Aside from using this as a warm up, you can also turn to this throughout the day when you need a pick-me-up. It doesn't take much space and it isn't long enough or difficult enough to make you a sweaty mess, making it something that you can easily do in front of your desk in your office or cubicle throughout the work day. You can always stick to the low impact version of the exercise to cut down the intensity even more, so that you wont need a full cool down and stretch. Otherwise, if you're using this as a standalone routine, a couple of quick stretches will do the trick.