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Quick 10 Minute Core Workout - Pain in My Abs

10 Min • Core
  • View on YouTube
    • Training Type Strength Training, Toning
    • Equipment Mat, No Equipment
    • Membership Free


    Whether you want to get in a quick workout or want to tackle some extra abdominal work on top of the main routine you are doing, this 10 minute abs routine is a great option.  Not only does this routine target the abdominals, but it also hits the obliques and lower back to provide a comprehensive core workout - all in ~10 minutes!  

    We have used a Tabata-style interval timing of 20 seconds of activity with 10 seconds of rest/prep per set, which allows just enough rest so the muscles you're working don't burn out. This structure allows you to push at a higher level than would be typically possible with a longer interval per set, resulting in a higher calorie burn and the ability to keep better form. By working "smarter" like this, you will notice greater improvement in your endurance and strength in a smaller amount of time than with a typical core routine. 

    Because of the short intervals, it's very important to keep perfect form, but also to push yourself physically as much as possible for every second. If you go into a routine like this and just go through the motions, then you will not only not feel challenged, but you will expend significantly less energy and only marginally improve your endurance and strength. On the other hand, if you push yourself 100% with every repetition, then you will find that by the end of these 10 minutes, you will be not only physical tired, but you will have burnt the maximum number of calories possible with this routine and improved muscle endurance and strength.

    Just remember, however, that this is a great routine for improving core strength and stability (and is a great way to get in an extra calorie burn), but don’t confuse this with a plan to get six pack abs. Though we have said this before, it never hurts reiterate that if you are going after a six pack (which has little to no relation to increased physical ability), you would need to be focused on dropping weight (from fat) to expose the muscles of your abdominal wall.  A six pack is more about a very low (sometimes unnecessarily low) body fat percentage rather than a strong core.  So, really examine your intentions for exercise and be sure you are focusing on doing what you need to to be healthy instead of tirelessly pursuing a standard that is set by an industry that is rarely driven by the pursuit of health. Trying to match your physical appearance to a fictitious standard set by the fitness industry will only lead to feelings of inadequacy and failure.  Instead, focus on being the most healthy and fit that you can be, to improve your physical ability and confidence, ultimately improving your self image for a long and vibrant life. Rant complete.

    Workout Structure:
        •    5 Groups of 2 Exercises
        •    2 Sets per Group
        •    Tabata; 20 on 10 off
        •    Format; ABAB

        •    Mat (optional)

    Warm Up / Cooldown:
        •    Not Included

        •    Plank
        •    Reverse Plank

        •    X Crunch
        •    Swimmers

        •    Side Crunch L
        •    Side Crunch R

        •    Jackknife Crunch
        •    Back Bow

        •    Plank
        •    Reverse Plank