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Butt & Thigh Pilates Barre Blend

11 Min • Lower Body
  • View on YouTube
    • Training Type Barre, Low Impact, Pilates, Toning
    • Equipment Mat, No Equipment
    • Membership Free


    This is a fun Pilates & Barre inspired routine that targets the butt muscles from every angle you can think of. Hamstrings, quadriceps, inner and outer thigh are all engaged throughout this routine, as are the abdominals, which play a supporting role in every exercise you'll find in this video.  

    You wont need any equipment at all to do this routine, and as an added bonus, it's both joint and apartment neighbor friendly for those who need it, because there's no jumping involved at all.

    My favorite way to use a quick routine like this one is to add it onto the end of a high intensity interval training workout, or, as I did on the day I filmed this, onto the end of a nice and brutal lower body strength training session. It's low impact, and the exercises are relatively easy in nature, but when you have already used those glute and thigh muscles with other, more demanding exercises, these 50 second intervals make for a great burnout round.

    Another benefit of this workout is that it doesn't include any squats or any jumping - both of those can be very beneficial for body health, strength, and physique, but not everyone can do them. This allows someone who wants to avoid doing deep lunges or squats to target, tone, and strengthen the muscles of the butt and thighs without causing any excess discomfort or pain.

    • Muscles Targeted: Butt & Thighs
    • 50 Seconds on; 10 seconds rest
    • Warm up and cool down not included; both are recommended
    • No equipment

    Printable Pilates Session

    1 Glute Circles
    2 Other side
    3 Leg Lift Slides
    4 Bow Double Taps
    5 Other side
    6 Double Up & Outs
    7 Other side
    8 Bridge March
    9 Bridge Extensions
    10 Swinging Bridge

    Here are a few lower body strength workouts that would be great to do before you jump right into this Pilates Barre Blend:
    26 Minute Butt and Thigh Workout with Fat Burning HIIT Cardio At Home - Legs On Fire!
    30 Minute Brutal Butt & Thigh Workout - 30 Minute Lower Body Sculpting - Drop it Like a Squat
    35 Minute Mass Workout for Legs - At Home Lower Body Barbell Workout
    27 Minute HIIT Cardio & Strength

    If you use only this video for your sweat session (which is completely fine, these are 10 very effective minutes), make sure to add on at least a short cardio warm up, as well as a cool down and stretch.

    Here's your daily reminder: Eat to nourish your body & exercise to make it stronger, more capable, and healthier. Rest, drink lots of water, make sure to laugh at least a little bit today, and come back and workout with us tomorrow.