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At Home Hamstring Workout Video - Hamstring Exercises with No Equipment

7 Min • Lower Body
  • View on YouTube
    • Training Type Toning
    • Equipment No Equipment
    • Membership Free


    You can definitely get in a good hamstring workout at home without any fancy equipment, you just need to know which exercises to do. These hamstring exercises don't require a single piece of equipment.

    The hamstrings are a group of four different muscles that make up the back of the thigh. Each has it's own specific set of functions but as a whole, they are responsible for extending the hip and flexing at the knee joint.

    Many or most of our lower body workouts also engage the hamstring muscles, but this video is made up of the exercises that most effectively engage those specific muscles. You wont only be working the backs of the thighs during this routine; the glutes, quadriceps (muscles that make up the front of the thighs), lower back and abdominals also have to pitch in for many of these movements.

    This is a very fast paced routine - there are no rest breaks and we move very quickly from one movement to another. Watch the top left corner for a preview of what's coming up next. It's also a short workout. If you want to speed up the rate at which you're going to start to see a difference in either toning the lower body, or weight loss, you are going to want to pair this mini routine with some of our longer videos (we have many different options, some that are over 80 minutes long!), aiming to accumulate at least 30 minutes throughout the day, preferably more like 40-80 minutes total.

    Workout Structure
    9 At Home Hamstring Exercises
    40 Seconds Each
    No rest time, quick transitions
    No Warm Up or Cool Down

    Printable Routine
    Alternating Reverse Lunges
    Standing Hamstring Curls (both sides)
    Single Leg Bridges (both sides)
    Leg Lift Extensions (both sides)
    Prone Bent Knee Lifts

    It's very important that you really focus on feeling each of these exercises; you can easily limp your way through a routine and find it "too easy", or, you can focus on keeping those muscles tight the entire time, working against yourself for every motion, and executing each move properly - that way you are going to get the most out of this kind of workout, even if it is short in duration.

    How many calories does this burn?
    We estimate that you can burn roughly 4-8 calories per minute with this video.

    What other Fitness Blender videos should I combine this one with to make a complete workout?
    You can pair this one with a longer, more comprehensive lower body toning video to really burn out those muscles, or you could do this one with any of our cardio routines. Another option is to use a combination of our short videos to build your own custom total body routine - since we have express ones like this for the biceps, obliques, abs, lower back, etc, you could easily put together a full routine that caters to your exact needs for that day.