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88 Minute 1000 Calorie Workout Video - Abs, HIIT Cardio, Strength Training and Stretching

88 Min • Total Body
  • View on YouTube
    • Training Type Cardiovascular, HIIT, Strength Training, Toning
    • Equipment Dumbbell, No Equipment
    • Membership Free


    Fitness Blender's third 1000 Calorie Workout video brings you another fully comprehensive workout session in just one video; warm up, abs and oblique exercises, high intensity interval training, strength training, and a cool down are all included in this monster of a routine. During the actual workout you might feel exhausted, but by the time you're finished, you're going to feel re-energized and very satisfied.

    Because this routine is so intensive, you really don't want to do it any more than three times a week, maximum. It includes both HIIT and strength training, which your body needs time to heal from - otherwise you run the risk of just undoing any progress that you may have otherwise made, or worse, overtraining, which can be dangerous. That doesn't necessarily mean that you can't exercise for the rest of the week - Fitness Blender has hundreds of workout videos that are lower in impact that would be great options for burning off some extra calories on those recovery days.

    Workout Breakdown:
    6 Minute Cardio Warm Up
    10 Minute Abs and Obliques Workout
    36 Minute HIIT Routine
    26 Minute Total Body Strength Training
    8 Minute Cool Down & Stretch

    Warm Up - 40 Seconds each

    Shoulder Rolls
    Arm Cross Swings
    Boxer Shuffle
    High Knee Pulls
    Squats + Reach
    4 Torso Twists + Knee
    Jumping Jacks
    Butt Kickers

    10 Minute Abs - 50 Seconds each, 10 seconds transition

    Circle Crunches
    Backbow Crossovers
    T Stabilization Reaches
    Other Side
    Leg Drop Crunches
    High Plank Knee Circles
    Alternating Jackknife Crunches
    Knee Tuck Crunches
    Figure 4 Leg Raises
    Crunch Pulses

    HIIT Workout - Groups of 2 exercises; 20 On, 10 Off x2, twice for a total of roughly 4 minutes per group (AA BB, AA BB format)

    1 Minute Boxer Shuffle to get the heart rate back up & the muscles nice and warm

    Switchfoot Kicks
    Squat Jumps

    Lateral Hop Jumps
    Burpee Holds

    Single Foot Lunge Hops
    4 High Knees + 2 Jack Steps

    2 Plank Jacks + 2 Knee Tucks
    Jackknife Get Ups

    Lateral Jumps
    3 Squat Jacks + Jump

    Wall Jumps
    Static Runners

    Roundabout Push Ups
    3 Heel Taps + Leg Raises

    Fly Jacks

    Total Body Strength Training - Groups of two in an AB AB format, 10 Reps each

    Bicep Curls
    Tricep Extensions

    Standing Hamstring Curls

    Chest Presses + Bridge
    Reverse Fly

    Squats + Side Leg Raises
    Calf Raises

    Shoulder Presses
    Squats + Inside Thigh Raises

    Prone Leg Lifts + Curls

    Cool Down & Stretch - 20 Second Holds

    Wide Toe Touch
    Inside Thigh + Arm Cross Pull
    Overhead Triceps Stretch
    Wall Chest Stretch
    Quadriceps Stretch
    Downward Dog
    Modified Pigeon
    Torso Twist
    Full Body Stretch

    Does this 1000 Calorie Workout really burn that many calories?
    Calorie expenditure depends on a long list of variables, including bodyweight, muscle mass, effort levels, baseline fitness levels, and more. Not everyone will burn 1000 calories with this workout, but some people will burn even more than we have estimated. It's important to realize that everyone is different when it comes to expenditure - and, that there's more to fitness than just burning off calories. This routine also focuses on strength, flexibility, balance, speed, agility, and cardiovascular endurance (both because of the high intensity intervals and because of how long the routine is). Also keep in mind that heart rate monitors are for monitoring heart rate, and that if there is a calorie burn calculator on it, it is highly likely using a standard, general equation that will not be specific to your personal variables. These are best used for their intended purpose (tracking heart rate) and any figures pertaining to expenditure should be taken with a grain of salt.

    This is a long routine - if you need to you can break it up into multiple parts to fit the whole thing into your daily schedule - just make sure that you do at least a quick warm up and cool down each time you start or finish vigorous exercise.