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100 Rep Squat Challenge #2: Most Effective Squat Challenge Workout to Lift & Shape the Butt & Thighs

10 Min • Lower Body
  • Difficulty
  • Training Type Cardiovascular, Plyometric, Toning
  • Equipment No Equipment
  • Burn Estimate
  • Membership Free
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  • 126,684
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I'm going to be honest right off the bat and tell you that this Round 2 of the Fitness Blender Squat Challenge Workout is quite a lot harder than the first round. Before you hit the back button or start wondering if the comfortable couch next to you is more appealing than a sweat session, I will also tell you that this second harder round is more effective.

What you'll notice about this second round is that a lot more of the squats incorporate jumping movements – many of the exercises are plyometric or at least plyo based. Not only does this type of training burn more calories, increase your speed, and decrease your reaction time for that particular range of motion, it also works to tone and shape the butt muscles much more effectively than lower impact squats (at least if you're using bodyweight only).

Another reason why this workout is so much more effective is that it targets ALL of the glute muscles (there are three – maximus, medius, and minimus) from multiple angles. The reason why I wrote the original 100 Rep Squat Challenge Workout was because I was tired of seeing all of the viral squat challenges out there (that typically use some kind of body shaming body comparison picture to try and motivate the exerciser; lame!) that have people doing hundreds of repetitions of the same old squat variety. Don't get me wrong – I love squats, particularly weighted ones – but between the lack of comprehensive engagement of the glute muscles, and the fact that that many reps of the same exercise is wildly boring, I thought you guys might like a fresh new spin (that just happens to be much more effective) on the challenge.

Workout Structure

  • 10 Squat Variations
  • 10 Reps Each; 100 Reps Total
  • Equipment: Optional Dumbbells
  • There is no warm up or cool down in this particular video; both are recommended

Printable Squat Challenge Workout

1 3 Point Squat Hops (Sumo; Regular; Ski)

2 Rocker Squats

3 Super Slow Squats

4 Ski Squat Jumps

5 Squat + Side Raise

6 Pop Squats

7 Ski Squat + Double Reverse Lift

8 Ski Squat Regular Squat Hops

9 Basic Bodyweight Squat

10 Rocket Squats

How often can I do this workout?

Because this workout incorporates plyometrics and higher impact exercises, you don't necessarily want to do this workout every day of the week. Especially if you're sore after doing this workout, you will want to give your muscles a chance to heal before you do it again.

How long will it take to see results from the Squat Challenge?

If you commit to doing this butt and thigh workout 2-3 times a week, you can see small changes in your body in as little as one week. If you make sure that you're eating clean and doing a regular routine of our cardio, upper, and lower body strength training routines, you're likely going to see results much sooner than later (than if you just implement this workout by itself). After 2-3 weeks, you'll start to see much more noticeable changes.

What did you think of this new 100 Rep Squat Challenge? Which squat variation did you like best? Which one did you find the most challenging?